EGYCO's policy is to provide a safe and productive work environment for all our personnel and customers. In this regard and according to the company's policy we are committed to:
- Ensure zero harm to people and environment by pursuing the goal of zero accidents.
- Includes commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work related injury and ill health and is appropriate to the purpose,size and context of the organization and to the specific nature of its OH&S risks and opportunities.
- Promote a positive safety culture in all operations.
- Identify and eliminate the hazards, practices, and behaviors which are unsafe and cause accidents.
- Includes a commitment to consultation and participation of workers, and, where they exist, worker's representatives.
- Prevent the pollution and minimize environmental impact by reducing the waste and discharge and adopting the best practices.
- Comply with all the applicable statutory and mandatory QHSE requirements, legislation and regulations of U.A.E and the ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 standards.
- Continual improvement & prevention of pollution, injury & ill health.
- Provide framework for setting & reviewing environmental, health & safety objectives & targets.
- Motivate all employees in order to create a safe and healthy workplace which would protect the environment.
- Accomplish the QHSE goals by clearly defining the roles and responsibilities and providing the appropriate resources.
- Establish, implement and maintain the QHSE MS through the involvement of the management and personnel.
- All employees are permitted and are responsible to stop any work at any locations that is considered unsafe.

These commitments will be achieved by:
- Establishing, maintaining and implementing a documented Occupational, Health & Safety Management System. Ensuring procedures, program and guidelines are in place to support the QHSE Management System.
- Communicating the Company’s QHSE policy and Objectives to relevant interested parties, including its employees, stake holder, clients and customers.
- Providing the necessary resources for the implementation of the QHSE Management System.
- All employees are permitted and are responsible to stop any work at any locations that is considered unsafe.
- The policy will be reviewed periodically and will be available for employee and public.
- Setting, monitoring and reviewing QHSE targets and objectives.
- Complying with QHSE Policies of OSHAD, DMA & ISO International Standards.